Botanicals Box (Luxury Selection)


Luxury botanicals box

In stock

SKU: BOTMED01 Category:


Adding botanicals to a shrimp tank adds tannins and beneficial grazing, some additions add beneficial additives to help with disease resistance and certain properties that are anti-fungal and anti-bad bacteria.

We will send you a parcel containing the following : –

Casurina Cones x 20

Alder Cones x 20

Eucalyptus Fruit x 10

Eucalyptus Bell Pods x 10

Lotus Heads x 3

Catappa Bark x 6

Catappa Leaves x 5

Putka Pods x 30

Wallichi Cones x 15

Bakuli Pods x 15

Sororoca Head x 1

Buddha Nut x 2

Badam Nut x 1

Mahogany Slices x 3

Savu Pod x 1

Coco Boat x 1

Cholla Wood x 1

Cobra Leaves x 10

Jackfruit Leaves x 10

Banana Leaves x 10

Acorn Caps x 20