
Easylife Easycarbo 500ml

Original price was: £10.99.Current price is: £9.99.

Easylife Easycarbo 500ml

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SKU: 209054 Category:


EasyCarbo is a powerful and effective carbon source for aquarium plants. It also actively combats and prevents the growth of algae.

Carbon (in the form of CO2 dissolved in the water) is one of the most important nutrients for optimal plant growth. If there is a lack of carbon, plants are not able to optimally assimilate and grow. As a result of this deficiency, plants stop growing and no longer compete with algae for the nutrients. If this carbon deficiency lasts for too long, then plants start to leak sugars and other nutrients which attract algae. As a result, leaves become covered in algae and look unattractive. EasyCarbo is the solution to this problem. After a few weeks of using EasyCarbo, plants visibly grow better and look better. This is particularly true of certain species such as Crypts, Buces and Echonidorus