Red Cherry Neocaridina Shrimp


Red Cherry Neocaridina Shrimp

SKU: RED-1 Categories: ,


Red cherry Neocaridina Shrimp

Our Red cherry are a mixed-grade cherry shrimp, often with a back stripe in mature adults, these shrimp are relatively easy to keep and can be kept on some tapwater, depending on the tapwater that is! They offer a great addition to a planted aquarium and stand out well against green plants. Please keep with none aggressive fish and anything that could eat them as a snack, even the babies if they will fit in a fish’s mouth will be eaten. A species-only tank is ideal but some nano fish and Ottocinclus catfish should leave them alone.

Cherry shrimp are prolific breeders in the right conditions so if you want a colony then sit back and let nature take its course!

We keep ours at around

6.5 – 7 Ph

Gh 6-8

Kh 3-5

TDS – 150 – 250

*Please Note* Livestock is only posted Mon-Thur and sent next day 1pm guaranteed. It is your responsibility to be in to accept the parcel. Please add details of send day to your order and read our DOA policy.